From the drop down in the bottom left of the ViewCube. Click the house to jump to the “Home View” Click on one of the 26 different areas of the cube to jump to the corresponding orthographic or axonometric views.ģ. Click and drag on the view cube to rotate your view.Ģ. There are quite a few ways to interact with the ViewCube:ġ. It is, by default, in the top right-hand corner of the graphics window. The view Cube is another method of navigating 3D space in Inventor. Holding the shift key and middle mouse button will rotate the view. Clicking down the middle mouse button will pan the model.Ī. Double Clicking the middle mouse button will zoom to fit everything in view.Ī. Note: Zooming by scrolling zooms toward and away from your cursor is pointed.Ī.
To reverse this behavior (and have the zoom behave like Google Maps) go to Tools > Application Options > Display and check “Reverse Direction” under “Zoom Behavior”. By default, you pull the model toward you and push the model away. Rolling your middle mouse button forward or backward will zoom-in or zoom-out. The four built-in functions to the mouse are: The following are the picks, clicks, keys, and techniques to maneuver through Inventor’s different environments. Whether you are brand new to Inventor or a seasoned veteran, your most common task is likely navigating parts, assemblies, and drawings.